السبت، 17 أغسطس 2013

Logo Hydro-Québec Access My Client Area Search Sitemap Accessibility Contact Us Home Hydro-Québec Understanding electricity Size: Transmission and distribution of electricity The home plant Electricity transmission Transmission of electricity in Quebec Pylons Types of cables Construction of a Operation of a post Network Control Centre (JRC) Electricity distribution Electricity consumption Electricity transmission The transmission of electricity in Quebec

To reach areas of high consumption, electricity often travels vast distances. For example, James Bay, where the water flows through the turbines eight plants of the Grand River to Montreal, there are nearly 1000 miles as the crow flies. However, the distance to cross, the greater the risk of losing on the road part of the initial energy is high. We must take special measures to limit these losses, especially as the transit of large amounts of power over such long distances is heavy investment.

The high voltage transmission, an advanced solution by Hydro-Québec

To carry large amounts of electricity, it is preferable to increase the voltage of the current to reduce electrical losses and the total cost of transportation (we can avoid building additional lines, for example). Much of the electricity generated by Hydro-Québec flows through power lines at 735,000 volts. Otherwise, the country would be covered pylons: indeed, one line at 735,000 volts is four lines to 315,000 volts, the next level of tension.

In fact, Hydro-Québec is a pioneer in the field of high voltage transmission and has developed the first commercial airliner to 735,000 volts, as well as the first related devices operating at the same voltage.

In 1965, the first line to 735,000 volts ever built was commissioned to link the central complex Manic-Outardes urban areas of Quebec and Montreal. A breakthrough in the world of energy, the technology invented by the Quebec engineer Jean-Jacques Archambault has made ​​possible the development of hydropower resources of northwest and north-eastern Quebec.

The continuous current carrying

The technology to carry the DC is not in common use. However, it may be advantageous to isolate ac systems or control the amount of electricity transported. Hydro-Québec has a DC line that connects the James Bay Sandy Pond, near Boston, and many DC interconnections with neighboring systems.

Development of hydropower resources of the Northwest and Northern Quebec Agreement
Radisson station

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