السبت، 17 أغسطس 2013



See also ...
SafetyThis link will open in a new window
To prevent, inter alia, that the water level is above the top of a retaining structure, a hydroelectric facility has a safety valve, a spillway, a weir or a combination of both. These structures allow for flowing the excess water as needed.

"The giant staircase"

In the case of Robert-Bourassa dam spillway is called "giant steps" because it is composed of 10 steps of 10 meters high and 122 meters long each, which gives the allure of a huge staircase. Its discharge capacity of 16,280 cubic meters per second, roughly double the average flow of the St. Lawrence River near Montreal. This ability is the flow of a major flood, called décamillénale, as it can occur every 10,000 years.

Ski Jumping

On the sites of La Grande-3 and La Grande-4, spillways take the curved shape of a ski jump. The upward trend for projecting water to tens of meters in the air, far enough to dissipate the force and prevent damage to the dam.

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