السبت، 17 أغسطس 2013

Repair stations

Construction and repair of central

Plant construction

The decision to build a power plant is based on the expected growth in electricity demand and take into account the fact that the construction of a hydroelectric plant requires a decade.

Main stages of construction

  • Choosing the site.
  • Conduct impact studies on extensive environment.
  • Develop transport infrastructure and accommodation, hydroelectric facilities are often built in inaccessible places.
  • Build retaining structures to control a specific location the movement of water: dam, dams, spillway.
  • Build a structure for the production of electricity: Central, headrace and the tailrace water.
  • Build transmission lines.
For example, see the main stages of construction of the hydroelectric development of the Eastmain-1.

Repair stations

Normally, a hydroelectric facility is designed to last 50 to 60 years. By performing regular maintenance of equipment, it is possible to extend the service of a dam or a central life, but after a while, the maintenance is not enough and must be given a new life facilities . Sometimes it is more economical to upgrade a central than building a new one, as in the case of Beauharnois. However, it may be more advantageous to start anew, as in the case of the central Grandmother, near which was erected the central Rocher-de-Grand-Mère.

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